Sunday, January 2, 2011

5 Months.....Gobble Gobble!

The 5th month brought a lot of things. As you can see above, Sawyer had his first solid food-green beans. He really got in to the experience. Since this time, we have upgraded our meal time bibs to the more substantial plastic/waterproof bibs.

He had his first Thanksgiving where we fried our first (of many) turkey. It turned out really tasty and will be a staple in our future holiday meals. It is so simple to do and the clean-up is a breeze. Sawyer did not get to try the turkey,but he did get to sample some mashed potatoes.

The 5th month also brought some tests. The whole family was under the weather. I fell ill with some viral infection of unknown origin. I have not been that sick in a LONG time. I missed several days of work. Jason luckily escaped my same fate, but had a bad cold that held on for 3 weeks. Poor Sawyer got a double ear infection that did not respond to the first antibiotic. The second medication worked well but easily upset his tummy. So, eating was not so fun for a little while. We got a lot of snuggle time in but not so much sleepy time. =)

The good news is that he eventually got better and was back to being his happy little self. The above picture is a really neat gift from our friends the Fentons. Sawyer is sporting a Miami hockey jersey with Szynko #5 on the back. I will have more pictures of it in later posts.

So, not a lot of photos this month, but I promise to make up for it at 6 months!

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