Team Szynko!
Presenting Sawyer Meade Szynkowski
First off, a HUGE extension of gratitude to all well wishers on the birth of our son. It has been an amazing ride that I never expected. So much fun in store!
Okay.....I have so much to share with you. Sawyer's story is long and full of bumps. For those of you who prefer to not to read a long narrative and look at pictures, I am going to give you a quick summary. Then read on (or not) to learn the rest!
Sawyer is home and doing great. The short of the story is that unfortunately he has a few heart problems. The first is called a ventricular septal defect. This is a hole in the ventricle of his heart where blood is flowing backward from left to right. The good news is that it is the mildest form possible. The bad news is there is a chance it may not close on it's own and can cause some serious problems in the future. The other is called a patent foramen ovale. This is the hole from atrium to atrium that bypasses the lungs in utero that has not closed. Thankfully this is fairly common and will not likely cause a problem.
We are very fortunate to have an amazing pediatrician -Dr. Kennedy and a cardiologist who are taking great care of us! Sawyer is a little tired, and is having some problems with feedings but overall doing amazing right now and we hope it continues!
Here is the story of his birth
We had an OB appt on the 24th where my membranes were "helped out" a little. We were on our way to Kroger to stock up before the baby when contractions started hard and fast, and we decided it was necessary to get to the hospital. Once we arrived, they broke my water and contractions started coming back to back. They thought I would deliver in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, the epidural slowed the process and I was placed on a pitocin drip. It did not seem to work so we set ourselves up for a long night and sent the family home. We were surprised that one hour later, I was fully dilated and ready to push. 20 min later......tada! Sawyer was born!
Little Man's Stats
The funny thing is that Jason, his father, his brother, and now Sawyer were all born on Thursdays. He made it just under the wire.
Picture Gallery
Proud papa!
Those of you who know Jason, are aware that he does not do well with all things medical. I was worried how he would handle the delivery. It ended up he was a champ and even cut the cord.
( I am so impressed, that I am willing to post this awful picture of myself to prove it)