Friday, March 18, 2011

Eight is Great!

So here we are...eight months already. I can't believe it. Every day Sawyer is learning new skills and making our lives better. He still is not a good sleeper....but otherwise is cake.
We continue to try new foods including guacamole, hummus and of course Cheeze-Its. We went to the Beirut the other day and gave him a bite of hummus and he instantly started clapping and shouted. We egged him on by saying together Yay hummus and he clapped and shouted some more. I was worried we were too loud but the woman at the next table leaned over and said to Sawyer "I feel the same is so delicious." Ha ha!
He broke his second tooth and chews like gangbusters on everything. Sawyer continues to LOVE watching sports and as seen here above..loves all thing electronic.
Photos of him playing

We love to read!

Winter Blast!
We were hit with a pretty bad winter storm and lost power. Here is Sawyer snuggling with Daddy to keep warm. We ended up staying papa and nana's house until our power came back on. My office was closed for 4 days, and of course Jason did not have school.
Here are a few of the photos I snapped.

The many faces of Sawyer

Getting ready for Florida!

Stay tuned for next month for our Florida trip. Sawyer was trying on his hat and sunglasses thinking of warmer weather.