Sunday, March 7, 2010

24 Weeks and Counting!!!

I have to thank my sister Meredith for this awesome t-shirt. It is so fun and helps me get more into the spirit of having a little boy! I think the two layer t-shirt and roll waist pants makes me look a little bigger than I actually am.

Still feeling good!

We have been super busy with baby registering and preparing the
house for baby boy Szynko. There is a never ending list of things to prepare, but we are knocking them out as we can. Here is a picture of Jason exhausted after a round of comparison shopping for cribs and LazyBoy chairs.

I started my new job this week and had a full 40 hour work week for the first time in over 10 weeks! I love being a PA and am so very happy the that the effort was worth it in the end. It will be so nice to have a paycheck after almost 3 years of school! I am fortunate in that my energy level has remained very high. I have developed some fun charley horses at night from adjusting to being on my feet. From what I hear, they may stick around and possibly get worse. Hopefully not!

Here are some fun pics of us at a fundraiser for
St. Johns.

See no evil,
speak no evil,
hear no evil and
birth no evil!

Stay tuned for more updates...!